September 2024 Horoscope: The 6 Signs Having Relationship Revelations

As the summer sun sets and fall’s cool breeze picks up, we enter another month of intense cosmic transits. August may have felt chaotic for many. With a Mercury retrograde that left us scratching our heads and lunations pushing us to break free from any plateaus and embrace the most radical form of who we are, it felt like the tides had turned in a major way. On a collective level, we are seeing hope come back into the fold as we continue to push for the betterment of ourselves and our neighbors. With the start of September, we’ll be in Virgo season for most of this month—which encourages us to continue thinking about our neighbors.

The beginning of this month kicks off with some revolutionary energy. Whether it looks like continuing to challenge yourself to get uncomfortable to stay authentic or challenging systems that keep us from flowing, September reminds us to keep the entire journey of change and evolution in mind—not just where we are and where we want to go. On September 1, Uranus will station retrograde at 26° Taurus, and Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn until November 14.

Uranus retrograde is a fabulous transit, bringing opportunities that might surprise us but encourage change and innovation. Through the lens of Taurus, this Uranus retrograde will help liberate us from ties to the material world that might impede our ability to evolve and embrace our humanitarian calls. Uranus retrograde helps us look back at where we were, where we are currently, and what we still need to do to reach the utopia of our dreams. Pluto, which won’t be in Capricorn again for another 250+ years, closes the chapter on all the revelations and changes since January 2008, when it first moved into Capricorn. On a collective level, we see themes of economic distress similar to those around 2008, which informs us of how big businesses might not have the consumer in mind. Thankfully, many of us (including politicians) are putting our foot down, reflecting the Plutonian need for transformation and fighting against power imbalances. While Pluto is in Capricorn for the next 2.5 months, reflect on what chapter of your life you are leaving behind and how you feel the call to embrace a new era that you’ve gotten a taste of these past few months with Pluto in Aquarius.

We also have a gorgeous new moon at the beginning of the month, on September 2. In the sign of Virgo, the new moon will help us clean up our act. Much like we have a spring cleaning around the time of the Virgo full moon each year, the Virgo new moon carries a similar tone—but rather than purging, we are bringing things in. You should stock your wardrobe to ensure you look and feel the part. You may call that personal trainer you have been playing phone tag with to set up a session. You might start a new job around this time, improving your work-life balance. The new moon in Virgo wants us to purify our lives by focusing on what gives us the best rhythm and flow, rather than overloading ourselves with unrealistic expectations for even the most hardworking folks.

On September 4 and 8, Mars moves into Cancer and Mercury into Virgo. Mars, the planet of action, transiting through Cancer adds an emotional motivation to our days. From September 4 to November 3, Mars in Cancer reminds us to protect ourselves and the validity of acting on emotion. Mars in Cancer wants us to fight for what we care about and wear our hearts on our sleeves—rather than letting logic and reason stop us from doing what we know is right. As Mercury moves back into Virgo after a long month of being retrograde, we don’t have to worry about our emotional endeavors being erratic or unplanned. Mercury in Virgo will allow us to take the emotional inspiration from Mars in Cancer and apply it rationally. Mars gives us the end goal, and Mercury provides us with the pathway to get there—so listen to your motivating intuition and use your resources to navigate the journey you are about to embark on.

As we hit the halfway point of September, we welcome the first of two eclipses. The partial lunar eclipse on September 17 is the first of seven eclipses we will experience over the next 2.5 years in the sister signs of Pisces and Virgo. Pisces is all about the closing of chapters and willingness to step into the unknown while reflecting on what it took to get you here. On a personal level, this eclipse might look like reconciling with a version of yourself that you’ve outgrown. On a collective level, this might look like letting go of past systems and frameworks that no longer serve the greater good. Regardless of how it shows up, it is essential to stay connected to your spirituality, remain hopeful for the future, and keep faith that when one door closes, another opens shortly afterward.

The month closes with the fall equinox and Venus moving into Scorpio on September 22, while Mercury moves into Libra on September 26. The fall equinox marks the start of Libra season—the official end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Libra season marks the time of year when we start to cozy up and consider who we want to spend our time with as we revert back to hanging indoors. Libra season wants us to prioritize our relationships—so make sure you start to think about who gets to occupy your time.

With Venus, the ruling planet of Libra, moving into Scorpio simultaneously (and staying there until October 17), you might find your tolerance for surface-level relationships waning. You could find yourself prioritizing the relationships that honor the depths of your emotions more. On a personal level, you might also put first the simple pleasures, fashion statements, and hobbies that let you share parts of yourself you usually hide away. When Mercury moves into Libra (until October 13), we all can breathe easily, knowing our communication patterns and the way we receive information remain clear-headed and balanced. Mercury in Libra is great for mediating tension and making the simple things in your life more beautiful, so start focusing on what brings you a smile and a calm sigh of relief.

For the most accurate look at how this month will influence you, read for your rising sign. (If you aren’t sure what that is, use this free natal chart calculator to find out.) Wishing everyone a healthy and happy September!


The month kicks off by putting a particular focus on your finances and profession. You might be disgruntled about your current situation and looking for a change during the next few weeks. Use the new moon on the 2nd to manifest big things for your work. The new moon in Virgo is your yearly invitation to ensure you prioritize the routine and work situation that makes sense for you and your goals. As the month progresses, you will likely want to prioritize your efforts toward family, friends, and relationships. With Mars in Cancer, you will focus on the homestead and how to connect more with your loved ones and your sanctuary. As Libra season progresses, you must ask yourself if you give as much as you receive, and vice versa. Overall, September is for you to ensure that your people support you and that your career is helping you move toward your goals.


September will be exciting for you—if you let yourself enjoy the process of relearning how to walk. Uranus has been dancing in your sign for several years, and the upcoming Uranus retrograde will permit you to keep pushing forward. Rather than sitting in your comfort zone, Uranus reminds you of how much change happens over long periods—so it is okay to embrace something new. With the new moon at the beginning of the month, you should let some fresh passion into your life, since the Moon and Uranus are helping you connect with an evolved sense of self that has been in the back of your head for a while now. The movement of planets like Mars in Cancer and the sun and Mercury into Libra will help you be honest with yourself and others about what motivates you. If you let yourself be supported by reaching out for help from others, this month won’t be as stressful as it may seem.


After a month of Mercury retrograde, September lets you slowly return to your regular flow and function. As the mutable air sign, you like constant change and mental stimulation, but be careful of overwhelming yourself. The early retrograde shifts by Uranus and Pluto will get you to reconnect with your subconscious. They are allowing you to understand more of what is distracting you from participating in a life that prioritizes your pleasure center while also putting your mental health first. The new moon and lunar eclipse will keep your home and work life as pillars of change right now—so consider how you need to realign that work-life balance. Thankfully, with Libra season fast approaching, it will be easier to discern what you need to have more harmony, how to prioritize a certain task while ensuring you’re still honoring your desires. Work hard, play hard, and don’t feel you must always put your needs over your wants.


September is full of eye-opening experiences for you, Cancer. With two planetary solid retrogrades in Uranus and Pluto, your social groups and partnerships will surely be a point of reflection. This is the last test you’ll have in learning from past mistakes in relationships and how you have evolved from those lessons. With Mars moving into your sign, prioritizing yourself will be easy. Part of the challenge will be sharing your new boundaries and ideas of what you wish to keep and what can go. There might be some tension, but Libra season will help you meditate in a way that respects the feelings of others while reminding them that you also have feelings and they deserve to be respected. Don’t steer away from a tense conversation or opening up about what changes you need on a social level. You might be surprised that others are feeling that same urge to shift the context of the relationship.


As September progresses, so do thoughts of changing your pathway. Most of this month might be spent focusing on your work, the career you wish to have, and how your money comes in and out. With the new moon on September 2, the focus is money that serves you and what you value. That might involve considering changing your profession or looking for similar positions in different areas. I would advise against jumping directly into something new—perhaps the best path is to spend September strategizing. Though you might want the changes to be immediate, the best plans are ones that have a bit of intention behind them. With Libra season approaching, focus on what you still need to learn and what conversations you need to have to help fill the cracks. There is plenty of potential for change to come, but you have to be willing to admit you might not have all the answers and get guidance where it is needed.


You’ve been the focus for a while now, as Virgo season has recently started helping you reconnect with and reprioritize yourself. The beginning of this month will be imperative for you, since the new moon will usher in plenty of fresh starts and new beginnings. The past year has been challenging, with tense aspects from Saturn and Neptune in your sister sign, Pisces, but the tension is starting to lift—if you are willing to rise to the challenge. Mars in Cancer will help bring forth some new friendships that keep you from self-isolating and walking the path alone. At the same time, the eclipse on September 17 will let you find closure with relationships weighing heavy on your heart. There is a beautiful opportunity to let the world see you for you as the energy shifts to let your values be shared and prioritized.


Over the next month, put some effort toward healing any career wounds or soothing any anxieties about what you are worth and capable of. The beginning of the month, with Uranus and Pluto retrograde, is going to open up parts of your shadow self that you might have been repressing for a while—and with the new moon in Virgo shortly following, you are going to need to pull the skeleton out of the closet and ask yourself “why am I still holding onto this old thing?” A bit of reflection before embracing Libra season will be imperative so that you can put yourself first and let the light shine down on you. Toward the end of the month, the challenge will be to let go of any fears of being seen for who you indeed are. Allow yourself to get vulnerable if necessary, but the only person with the authority to judge you is yourself—so be kinder and share everything you are.


September is going to require that you revisit relationships. With Uranus retrograde and Pluto dipping back into Capricorn, the way you hold space for others is changing. Maybe some miscommunications along the way remind you that not everyone receives information the way you do—and if you care about them, you might have to shift those patterns (and vice versa). There will be an opportunity with the new and full moons to let old habits and ways of enjoying the world fade—as you welcome new connections and people that reignite your passion for life. Toward the end of the month, slowing down to smell the roses and staying in your lane will be easier than frantically trying to keep up with everyone else. When you have the energy, go out and socialize, but if you need to shift to doing less busy hangouts, that will work, too.


Career changes are on the horizon, Sagittarius. This has been a big theme for you as of late. For quite some time, many of the lessons you are experiencing have been related to routine, the work you do, and how that honors your inner and outer sanctuaries. With Uranus retrograde and the new moon at the beginning of the month, there is a chance to do what Sagittarius does best and ask the universe for change. However, this change shouldn’t be a complete reset because much of this month is also a reminder that you do not live in a vacuum. There are people there and relationships that keep you connected to others. So before you manifest something big and beautiful on the horizon, ask yourself what you need to continue showing up for others and to build a more intimate connection with them. You succeed when your people succeed, and vice versa, and September is a reminder of that fact.


This month (and the two months that follow it) is the last month you have to deal with Pluto in your sign. Since 2008, you have been undergoing the most radical changes. Though this month might feel like things start to get a bit heavy, remember that the only way to fix a problem is to address it. You can’t accept that working hard and pushing through is the only way to rectify feelings that linger over months and years. Thankfully, if you are willing to ask for it, September will help bring the change and new perspective you might need to fully close the book on what the past years have been like for you. September kicks off the last battle before the new horizons invite you to walk forward to them—so with the new moon and lunar eclipse, ask for a fresh start on how you look at things. As Mars sits in your sister’s sign, lean on the support of your partnerships when you need a helping hand.


You can breathe a sigh of relief: the ever-so-persistent Pluto will be dipping out of your sign for a few months. September will be the perfect opportunity for you to strategize and consider how you need to open your personal borders. With Pluto retrograde dipping back into Capricorn, you are reminded of the fears you are trying to leave behind. Still, with the new moon in Virgo, you are invited to share yourself with others so that you don’t have to hide under the covers by yourself. The month starts with hefty and emotional energy, but once Libra season swings around and planets move into more playful spaces, you can prioritize the joy that comes from change. You are an Aquarius, after all, so revolutionary action and freedom live within you. However, this month, the question is, are you the one who is getting in your way?


In September, you get to soak up the love instead of pouring your cup into everyone else’s. With eclipse season approaching, the first of which is in your sign, you will start feeling like you are shedding your skin. Maybe not like a snake, but more so like a caterpillar who is beginning to realize that though you aren’t sure what the world will look like when you break free of your chrysalis, you know that you will at least emerge as a new thing of beauty, bringing smiles to others simply by existing. That is what September wishes to remind you: that harmony comes when we share ourselves with others and receive them the way we want to be received. For you, expect September to be filled with new connections that will allow you to reconnect with your passions and be less stressed about showing up as you are.

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